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Published 11/08/2024

Update on response to wastewater overflow in Eastbourne

Work has begun on the repair with pressure being drained from the main outfall pipe. This will enable our crew to safely begin excavation of the site in the morning. The first stage of the repair will be to fix the valve to close the cross connection to enable the outfall to be put back into service.

Due to the challenging location of the repair which is at a depth impacted by the tide and the valves involved, this repair is extremely complex, and it could several days to complete the work.

In the meantime, we are working at pace to minimise discharge of wastewater to the harbour and   treated wastewater to the Waiwhetū Stream. We have mobilised tankers to transport untreated wastewater from the pump stations at Point Arthur and York Bay to the Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant. These tankers will be on site from 4pm and will continue until the repair to the pipe has been complete.

We have been engaging with local iwi who are currently considering the placement of a rāhui with the area to be confirmed.

We acknowledge the impact this incident has on the environment and for recreational users in the area. This is why we are working as fast as we can to undertake the repair to ensure we minimise the impact on the environment.

A reminder that Days Bay, York Bay, and Sunshine Bay will remain closed to the public. Please follow the advice of Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) –

The incident management team will reconvene in the morning and provide a further update on progress of the repair by midday tomorrow.

Editor notes

Wellington Water is owned and fully funded by Wellington City Council, Hutt City Council, Porirua City Council, and Upper Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and South Wairarapa District Council. All six councils are equal shareholders.

Our councils own the water infrastructure in the region, and they task us to manage the infrastructure and deliver water services to our communities.

Wellington Water is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board and our organisation receive overall leadership and direction from the Wellington Water Committee, which are also responsible for appointing members to the Board.

The Wellington Water Committee is made up of representatives from our council owners and mana whenua.

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