Projects / Reducing pollution from network discharges (Network Discharges Programme)

Reducing pollution from network discharges (Network Discharges Programme)

Current status
Consent Applications
All Updates

We’re working on improving how we manage the stormwater and wastewater networks across Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt to reduce pollution from discharges to streams, rivers, harbours and coastal waters.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Latest Updates

18 September 2024

Wellington Water is working with Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on the next steps for consenting network discharges. 

18 December 2023

We held a series of meetings in late 2023.

8 September 2023

Community engagement sessions coming up!

We’re applying for resource consents for discharges from the stormwater and wastewater networks across Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt

We propose that these consents would provide the legal framework for a new system of integrated network-wide planning and management, in partnership with mana whenua and with input from the community, that would take us towards Te Mana o te Wai, the health and wellbeing of the water. Read more in the background section.

The consent applications are expected to evolve over coming months. 

In October 2023, we sought feedback primarily on the proposed community engagement framework, that has been developed with a small focus group of community representatives. 

In 2024, Wellington Water is working through the potential implications of the proposed change to Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Natural Resources Plan, known as Plan Change 1.

Contact us by email with any questions or comments


We want to work towards Te Mana o te Wai in partnership with mana whenua and with input from the community.

New national and regional requirements  put Te Mana o te Wai at the centre of freshwater management, so that the health and well-being of the water is protected.

Together these national and regional directions require WWL to manage stormwater and wastewater networks to reduce the contamination discharged into streams, rivers, harbours and coastal waters.

Legally, we are required to have consent under the Resource Management Act for discharges into waterbodies. We are applying for network-wide consents that would provide a more comprehensive and integrated approach covering Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt.

To find out more, download the proposed community engagement framework  or read the current consent applications.

Wellington Water has lodged applications for:

  • a single global stormwater discharge consent and
  • for three separate wet weather overflow discharge consents for the three urban wastewater networks:
    • Wellington (including Karori),
    • Porirua (including parts of north Wellington that drain to the Porirua wastewater treatment plant),
    • and Hutt Valley and Wainuiomata.


We expect some elements of these applications will be revised and updated before public notification, as we continue to engage.  Public notification is not expected before mid-2024.

You can access each application under the 'Draft Resource Consents' tab on this project page.

Proposed approach

Read our Towards Te Mana o te Wai infographic for a summary of our overall approach. 

The main elements of the proposed approach would be:

  • A Collaborative Committee, with representation from mana whenua and asset owners (councils) would have oversight of the implementation of the consent. Note this is subject to ongoing discussions with mana whenua iwi.
  • Community input at:
    • a ‘global’(four-city-wide) level and
    • a local, or sub-catchment level.
  • strategic direction as laid out in a global Stormwater Management Strategy (SMS) and three network-wide strategic wastewater overflow reduction plans (Wellington, Porirua and Hutt Valley). These plans would be reviewed every six years.
  • To deliver this ‘big picture’, smaller local or sub-catchment infrastructure improvement plans would be developed, for both wastewater and stormwater, with local community input. These will be developed over time in a sequence overseen by the Collaborative Committee. Sub-catchment details are set out in the Stormwater Story Map online


To find out more, download the Proposed Community Engagement Framework.



Consent Applications


You can view these documents below: 

  1. Hutt Valley and Wainuiomata (Part One and Part Two
  2. Porirua (Part One and Part Two)
  3. Wellington (Part One and Part Two



You can view these documents below: 

  1. Resource Consent Application (Part One) including Appendix A
  2. Assessment of Effects on the Environment (AEE)
  3. Proposed Consent Conditions


All Updates

18 September 2024

Wellington Water is working with Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on the next steps for consenting network discharges. 

 The current resource consent applications for discharges from the stormwater and wastewater networks across Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt were developed and lodged last year (2023). 

 GWRC is currently considering a change to the Natural Resources Plan, known as Plan Change 1. Wellington Water is currently working through the potential implications of this change for the network discharges consents.

A further update will be provided in due course.

18 December 2023

Engagement with mana whenua is continuing.

8 September 2023

We're seeking community input on the proposed Community Engagement Framework, which has been developed by a small focus group of community representatives.

We're running community engagement sessions on the following times - we'd love to see you there! 

September 2023

  • Thursday 21 September 12 midday – 1.30 pm (zoom meeting)
  • Tuesday 26 September 7 – 8.30 pm (zoom meeting)


October 2023

  • Tuesday 24 October 5.30 – 7 pm (in person meeting, central Wellington)
  • Thursday 26 October 7 – 8.30 pm (zoom meeting)


Please let us know which meeting you plan to attend by emailing and we’ll send you links and meeting details.