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Western Wastewater Treatment Plant

At the Western Treatment Plant, sewage travels through a series of screens, tanks, bioreactors, clarifiers and ultraviolet treatments before being discharged as liquid into Cook Strait in the vicinity of the Karori Stream Mouth.

The Western Treatment Plant was granted new consents on 28 July 2010. These consents will continue for 25 years (expire 28 July 2035).

In general, the consents allow Wellington City Council to:

  • discharge of treated and partially treated effluent through an existing outfall,
  • to discharge mixed disinfected, treated and milli-screened wastewater during and/or immediately after heavy rainfall,
  • the discharge of contaminants to the air,
  • and permission to occupy the coastal marine area with an outfall structure.

Resource consents

Resource consent reports

Plant performance





Current Status: Non-Compliant
Period: July 2024

The plant moved back to full effluent compliance in July.

There was one unconsented wet weather discharge on 1 July.

Odour complaints:
No odour complaints in July.

Items of significance:

​Outfall Repair:
Repair work to the main outfall pipeline has been completed.

The pipeline was brought back into service on 25 July. The plant has ceased discharging fully treated effluent to the Karori Stream and is now discharging to the Coastal Marine Area, under normal operations.

The annual inspection of the entire pipeline will take place in August to check for any leaks or potential remediation works needed.





Community Liaison Group Meetings